Let Us Dialouge- Successful Completion of Part 1

Every Homemaker is a celebrity for us. As every housewife has one or the other talent. Say a niche to Decorate her home, Drawing rangolis, Cooking something special and many more.

Anandvally , a Holistic Healer and I , Vandita Tiwari , was planning for long to do a Self-Exploring session with homemakers.

And we completed our first “Let Us Dialogue” session as we called it at Whitefield, Bangalore.

A total of 15 Ladies for the session, including two of us. Yes the session was quite successful and participation was overwhelming for the first session.

We look forward to meet and greet and appreciate the hidden talents of Homemakers.

If you want to host session like “Let Us Dialogue” in your society, reach us at

Anandavally – 8073615507

Vandita – 9535510382