If I didn’t surrender, its gone?


I was confused to go online about it but there are millions of Ronita , who knows its me and me only. On Facebook people will come to know, not here.

I wanted to discuss, where I went wrong and is it my fault. May be someone else can understand.

I am homemaker and married for 11yrs now and everytime I have a fight with my Hubby, he stops talking for 1day to 1 week , for as long as I go and start talking to him. Doesn’t matter its his fault or mine. I still love him so I go and talk.

But in September 2018 we had a fight and this time it was not my fault and I didn’t feel to go and talk to him or apologize. Since then he stopped talking to me. Its more than two months now.

I tried to talk to him three or four times but didn’t talk about the fight just general topics, so he did not respond and now we live like two strangers in the house.

Why everytime I have to initiate the talk? Why he cannot leave his ego and talk to me and make me feel he cares? Am I overreacting?

May be a third person can see the fault and tell me what and where it went wrong.

Thank you Vandita, for allowing me to go for it here.